Ozone therapy – beauty and health

The method has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Ozone has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and analgesic effect.

The procedure is well tolerated and has no side effects. The use of medical ozone reduces treatment time, mortality and disability. For these reasons, ozone therapy remains a priority in modern medicine.

Due to its properties, ozone can not only have a rejuvenating cosmetic effect, but also effectively cure a number of diseases. Ozone therapy can be used as an independent method of treatment, or as a physiotherapeutic course accompanying classical treatment regimens.

Clinical intravenous use of ozone therapy effectively influences the strengthening of human immunity. The introduction of ozone regulates the activity of all organs. When the body receives the required amount, it easily eliminates the infection. If the virus is in a free state, then ozone will destroy it. If the virus is inside the cell, then ozone helps the cell itself destroy it.

After a course of ozone therapy, the frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases decreases, long-term stable remission occurs, and the therapy itself is tolerated by patients much easier and more comfortably.

Ozone injections for joints

The use of injection techniques makes it possible to slow down degenerative-dystrophic processes in joints and musculoskeletal tissues. Due to its high efficiency, experts advise taking a course of ozone therapy for the following diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Arthrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Intervertebral hernias and protrusions
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities
  • Gout

Ozone injections for hair and scalp

The appearance of hair directly depends on the condition of the scalp. If your hair has become dull and started to fall out, you need to look for the root of the problem.

In this case, it is necessary to restore the metabolic balance, nourish the skin, and the result in the form of vibrant and silky hair will not be long in coming.

Ozone therapy for the scalp and hair is performed in two ways:

Injection – an injection with the introduction of the active substance into the problem area. Ozone penetrates the outer and deep layers of the epidermis, activates metabolism and ensures the flow of nutrients and oxygen to tired follicles.

Greenhouse method (takes) – The patient is put on a special plastic device in the form of a sealed cap; a solution enters it through a tube and accumulates to the desired concentration. A greenhouse effect is created and the mixture penetrates deeply into the skin and hairs.

The full course of the procedure consists of 2-10 procedures, depending on the scale of the problem. The duration of the procedure is on average 20 minutes.

The method is prescribed by the doctor. The break between sessions is 5-7 days, between courses at least 2 months. The procedure itself is performed on clean hair.

Procedural camera "Overall"

Treatment of skin lesions (psoriasis, lichen, allergic eczema, etc.) and weight correction.

Ozone, causing the oxidation of fats, facilitates their processing by the body, with a special effect observed during aging, sagging skin and achieving its elasticity.

In the world clinics "Overall" called the third kidney. When used for 1-2 hours for one month, the condition of patients improves in the treatment of such serious diseases as stage 1-2 diabetes, stage 1-2 oncology (before inflammation / enlargement of lymph nodes), all forms of hepatitis A, B, C .

Procedural chambers for limbs

Main area of application:

Burns of all types, frostbite, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers of various etiologies, varicose veins of the lower extremities, gas and diabetic gangrene, fungal diseases, etc.

Ophthalmic masks

They allow, without surgical interventions, a 30-40% reduction in the incidence of cataracts and glaucoma, as well as a number of specific diseases of the retina (including corneal ulcers and retinal pigmentary degeneration).

Ozone therapy in cosmetology

Ozone therapy has also found worthy application in cosmetology practice. The technique is of particular interest for women living in large cities, since their skin is daily exposed to external factors leading to accelerated aging and loss of elasticity.

Ozone can prevent harmful environmental influences and rejuvenate the skin by activating regeneration processes and supplying cells with the necessary oxygen.

Ozone therapy is ideal for preventing the appearance of wrinkles on the face, as well as for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes and relieving swelling. Ozone will give you a healthy glow and radiant skin!

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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